02 November, 2012

Why Learning English Is Harder For Some People!

If you've ever wondered how children can seemingly pick up on English faster than their parents, here's why.

Children do not have the fear and anxiety that adults have concerning the learning of a new language; the biggest barrier to most adult English learners is a fear of failure.

Adults are anxious that they will not be able to pronounce words the right way or that they will make mistakes and others will ridicule them. As is true with other things in life, practice is essential in learning English. You should practice as much as possible and learn from your mistakes.

Even if you take classes to help you learn English, there are many other resources you can use to learn the language quickly.

There are many sites on the Internet that offer English classes for almost nothing, along with worksheets and practice exercises that complement the classes

If at all possible, rely on an English-speaking friend for assistance with practice and the various types of grammar techniques. The best and quickest way to learn English is to immerse yourself in the language.

CONCLUSION: You must learn like a child, say Good Bye to shyness, embarrassment and fear!!!!     GET READY FOR 2013   !!!!